About Our Center

Learning Avenues Child Care Centers is a non-profit agency governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Preschool Program opened for the community on June 15, 1969 as a result of a “Crisis in America” study at the East Vancouver United Methodist Church. School Age Programs were added shortly after with the support of the Vancouver School District. The Purpose of the agency is to provide caring, developmental childcare to families for a cost based on their ability to pay.  

The agency receives funding from parent fees, the Department of Social and Health Services, the USDA, Education Opportunities for Children and Families (EOCF), and Board Fundraising. The church (now Vancouver Heights United Methodist Church) continues its support for the organization.

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Read Nondiscrimination Statement

Picture of the Learning Avenues playground.

 Interested in enrolling your child?


Programs —>

School Age Programs —>


our goals

Effective childcare is a partnership between you as parents and us as care givers.  Our common interest is the healthy development of your child. Our Goals At Learning Avenues are…

Graphic of someone looking in a mirror, depicting self-esteem.

To enhance, support, and strengthen self-esteem…

Picture of a little boy dressed up in a school uniform.
Picture of a young blonde boy wearing a red baseball cap and smiling.
Graphic of puzzle pieces being put together.

…To promote independence, self-control, problem solving, and decision-making…

Graphic of a heart with hands holding it, depicting a loving and caring environment.

…To provide a safe, healthy environment, and instill a sense of security…

Picture of two kids playing outside on a playground swing.
Picture of two kids reading and coloring together.
Picture of two hands shaking, depicting cooperation and respect.

…To develop a sense of empathy, cooperation, and respect for others...

Graphic of paintbrushes and paint.

…To provide an awareness of the environment, arts, and cultures…

Picture of a little girl painting a figurine.
Picture of three girls sitting in the grass next to each other.
Graphic of three people with their arms around each other, depicting developing social skills.

…And to develop social, emotional, physical, and intellectual skills. 


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